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Stuck in people-pleasing? Here is what you need to know to shift this pattern and unlock abundance & fulfilment.

Do you feel that even after pouring so much into other people, you still do not feel valued and abundant in your relationships and life?

There is a reason why this happens and I will give you a secret to SHIFT that so you can attract what you deeply desire...

Did you grow up feeling responsible emotionally for other people's well-being?

Did you feel like you had the superpower to somehow 'save' people from their own struggles and really care about how they feel?

As though caring to that level is seen as a good thing, this level of care for others is the exact reason why you now struggle to care for yourself and your needs first 

Because you were emotionally neglected as a child, now you feel unworthy and selfish when it comes to prioritising yourself and having what you truly desire in life

You constantly self-sabotage

When things start to get better, something will happen

It's like a cycle you can't break out of

When you grow up feeling like you're responsible for everybody else you will likely attract relationships where you feel like you need to walk on eggshells 

How to heal people-pleasing

Or at least that's how you will feel because you'll be afraid to speak up

Conflict is not something you deal well with

You will reinforce a pattern when it's okay to come second and be silent about your needs

You will always be tuned to their emotions and how they are feeling and do the best you can to avoid upsetting or disappointing them

That is just so normal to you that you think you're doing out of love

But in reality, you're doing it out of fear

And this pattern runs your life, your work and your ability to feel fulfilled and invite more abundance in

Because success does not come from people-pleasing

It comes from self-pleasing, from a sense of value and respect for oneself first

You see reality as you see yourself

When you're lacking your own love and standards, life will mirror that to you in your relationships, in your bank account and your wellbeing

And that is not punishment

That is an opportunity to say I've had enough and choose differently, choose better

Simply because you can 😉


My 5-minute tapping session for self-love can be an empowering quick start for you: You can do it here

Ready to receive 1:1 support to release the patterns hindering your sense of value and open up to the abundance your soul is ready to experience?

When life then becomes aligned with your deepest pleasures and desires.

When your choices are no longer out of fear but out of possibilities.

This is your calling for more 📞

Get in touch here to learn more about how I can personally guide you towards your happiest and most successful life!


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Jessica Erler is a renowned spiritual channel, master energy healer and coach. She guides leaders and visionaries to break self-sabotage cycles and alchemize their emotions to shift their reality instantly!

Women's Leadership Coaching

Feeling like abundance & success come at a heavy cost?

Get instant access to my channelled ancestral clearing to release invisible loyalty pacts with your ancestors and open up your energy to fulfill your career potential with ease.

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